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Diary Extract

1903, December 16th  

Dear diary, 

I’m excited but nervous about tomorrow, for we are going to test the Wright Flyer. After all these years of work and effort, tomorrow is going to be the first test of a heavier than air motor plane. I think that it is not going to be able to fly but we’ll see. There are still some improvements I would’ve liked to make (from our tests with the glider), had there been time but all in all I’m happy with what we’ve done. Anyway, I’m going to bed to get some rest for tomorrow, but apart from flying I just hope no one gets injured. 

Yours, Orville Wright 


1903, December 17th  

Dear diary,  

We did it! Today we flew! This morning we went to Kitty Hawk, Carolina and we flew the Wright Flyer. Our first few tries failed but then I did it! I flew the Flyer for 12 seconds and it flew 36m. But the best flight was made by Wilbur who flew for 59 seconds and 255.6m. Imagine what could happen with our invention. One day there could be planes everywhere and then you could go from New York to London in less than a week. Imagine the things you could achieve with them. I’m still tingling with the excitement of this morning but I’m tired so I'm going to sleep. 


Orville Wright 

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