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On December 17, 1903, the Wright Flyer took off for 12 seconds and travelled for 36 metres. It was the world's first successful motor-operated aeroplane and it sparked the age of aviation that was to follow. 

This year for the night of the notables I want to do the Wright brothers. Wilbur and Orville Wright were born respectively in  1867 and 1871 in America. They’re responsible for the first controlled, heavier than air flight on the Wright Flyer (Which is also known as the Kitty Hawk Flyer). They designed the plane using information from other tests that had failed and the three gliders they made. After they made the flight they made two more prototype planes (The Wright Flyer II and the Wright Flyer III) before they started touring the world to convince the public to buy it. 


I want to do the Wright brothers because they have shaped the world into what it has become. They have shaped the world by creating the first motorised plane capable of flight and now what begun as a only an concept and idea has turned into something that we are used to. Now, everyone we look, we see things that they have impacted. In the skies now are everything from passenger planes to cargo planes and fighter jets. Turn time back a few hundred years and no one would believe that planes existed but now there are millions of flights every day. Even last year, with a pandemic, there were an average of 100,000 flights daily. 


The Wright brothers are an essential part in global history and they have shaped us into who we are today. The Wright Brothers cannot be forgotten because without them, there would be no flight. 


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